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The Government of the Republic of Fortunata

The people elect 25 of the 50 Independent Government Ministers for four year terms at two yearly intervals. Each minister has the responsibility for a primary portfolio; Agriculture, Finance, Trade, Tourism, Infrastructure, Security, Telecommunications, Utilities, Science, Education, Health & Welfare, Natural Resources, Arts & Culture, Sport & Recreation, Transport etc… as well as a secondary portfolio to assist a temporarily absent minister.

Minor ministerial portfolios include a Minister for each of the populated islands.


The Ministers elect their Prime Minister, usually the day after general election results. The Prime Minister is the voice of the country and is usually the only name known on the world stage. The Prime Minister can lose his position if a ‘no confidence motion’ is raised in parliament.


Government is kept to a minimum and there are no 'Political Parties'.


Ministerial posts are unpaid, although vehicle and travel expenses are provided. Candidates must prove they are financially capable of sustaining themselves beyond that 4 year unpaid period of office. Their affairs are audited before and after their term of office.


Corruption is uncommon in Fortunata as the penalties are severe (corruption is considered to be treason) and any pressure group with evidence of a breach in the code of conduct can force a tribunal hearing on the island of Portia.


Each Government Minister has permanent heads of department that report directly to the minister. While these permanent heads have tenure, they can be moved between Ministerial Portfolios frequently, to maintain distance and to ensure good governance. 


No-one on restricted islands can be elected to govern, although all island citizens over the age of 18 are expected to cast a vote.


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